It is a legend that refuses to go away, despite all the efforts of establishment science to dismiss it as the mere imaginings of Plato. A major part of the Atlantis legend concerns the presence of a relatively advanced civilization on the continent and the war that these Atlantean invaders waged against ancient Athens (also a relatively advanced civilization, at least judging by the description). The catastrophe that sank the continent, while also affecting Greece to a limited extent, according to the Priest, is by no means the main focus of the legend, comprising only a very limited part of it.
The legend itself concentrates mostly on the civilizations and people involved. Any investigations into the question, therefore, could include archaeology, geology, biology, anthropology, mythology, and so on. Thus, there are many aspects to the legend from the point of view of studying it or seeking evidence to support it. And, indeed, many are the books that have been written on every possible line of enquiry, real or imagined. And there is no shortage of the latter. Many books include a limited amount of geological evidence considered to support the concept, but as far as I know - and I've looked - no geologist has, as yet, conducted as thorough, balanced and open-minded analysis of the Atlantis legend. Nor has anyone, anytime recently, done a critical analysis of the science of geology, particularly the geology of the North Atlantic Ocean basin, and the theories that purport to explain its geological makeup, structure, and history.
This series, therefore, seeks to address what I consider the negligence, shall we say, of today's scientific establishment.